Message from President
Dear members of APPNA NJ,
APPNA NJ was founded in 2003 and
I was first introduced to APPNA, New Jersey, chapter in 2005 when I was volunteering in Dr Zubair‘s office. Since then I’ve been associated with this organization in one way or other.
As majority of you know that in the past few years I have served in different roles including EC member as a councilor, treasurer and secretary and it has given me valuable, hands-on experience.

Dr. Irfana Khan
President 2024
Appna New Jersey Chapter
The Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America New Jersey (APPNA-NJ) chapter is a non-profit, professional, educational, and charitable organization representing Pakistani American physicians of New Jersey.
APPNA-NJ is a professional, non-political, equal opportunity organization that promotes excellence in healthcare, research, and education. It is also a vehicle for charitable projects such as free clinics, social welfare work, helping communities with or without collaborating with other charitable organizations, and participating with Central APPNA in their projects. In addition to being a part of several charitable projects, APPNA NJ plans to buy a place where they can run all the activities in a cost-effective way.